VALE Mike Beall VK6MB SK

The Amateur Radio community, was saddened to hear about the passing of Mike Beall VK6MB at 05.55 on Wednesday 7th August 2024

Mike was a smallish bloke with a huge heart, he was very knowledgeable and was always happy to help anyone that needed it, when at Hills Amateur Radio Group, he would often be out in the Car Park, with a project he was working on explaining it to someone.

I had the privilege of having Mike drop over to the house a week ago and as we sat and chatted, he told me about what a busy working life he has had.

Mike had worked in the Northern Territory for 4 years, I think it was in the building game, followed by his time working for Radio Australia on Christmas Island, to make window frames and helping youngsters with disabilities.

Apart from having a busy working life, Mike was also busy with the scouts as a scout leader and with the State Emergency Service.

He was a lover of the great Australian outdoors, bush walking, canoeing, bird watching, whether travelling with the caravan or playing amateur radio he was happy just being out under this great Australian sky.

Years ago, Mike walked the Bibbleman track, from Kalamunda to Albany, approximately 1000 Kilometres in 25 days, walking at least 45K’s a day.

Mike was very dignified about his illness, he knew what he had, but without treatment he had been given 2 months to live so he decided he was not going back to bed to curl up and die, but he was going to carry on living his life for himself and Brenda (his wife), and he fought his illness for over 2 years. He would often explain to us at HARG how he was doing and what the next course of treatment was going to be, without getting too hung up on the science.

Brenda commented that Mikes consultant had said that the treatment regime Mike was on was more than demanding and as he had had 6 different types of chemo therapy which was unheard of, it was nothing short of brutal punishment on the body. Mikes consultant also said if he was not so determined, with such a strength of character he just ploughed on never letting his condition weigh him down .

Mike was a really “Gentle Man” always calm, thoughtful and proactive and his absence will be felt within HARG and the Southern Electronics Group.

Mike was a great HARG Club member, always willing to help anyone at any time. He was also a Southern Electronics Group member, from way back when SEG was restarted in 2008/9

As per Mikes wishes, there will be no funeral, but there will be a memorial or celebration of life, to be held in Kings Park on a date to be determined.

Half his ashes will be scattered on Bluff Knoll and the other half at North Mole, in Fremantle, if you would like to attend, we will post up the dates as soon as they are confirmed.

Thank you to Andy, VK6HQ, for providing the above information.

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