
We meet on most Saturday’s at the Paxhill Guide Hall in Lesmurdie which occupies the first school room built in the area in 1920.  On the last Saturday each month we hold our General Meeting in the classroom and at other times it is used for activities such as lectures, building projects, learning a new skill such as Morse Code or testing equipment.

Outside the classroom we have our shack which houses the club’s equipment such as HF, VHF and UHF transceivers, antenna tuners, linear amplifiers and the computers that are a part of most modern day amateur radio setups.  The club also hosts an Allstar simplex repeater that may be connected to nodes around the world and an Automated Packet Reporting System [APRS] gateway that routes traffic from mobile APRS stations.  Outside is the radio mast that supports a range of antennae.

The shack is the centre of social activity on club days with members congregating to chat about their week in amateur radio and other items of mutual interest.  If the weather allows we usually have a sausage sizzle at 1300 hrs otherwise it’s pies from the local bakery with drinks and chocolates available from the fridge.

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