History: 1983 – 2012

Timeline 1983 to 2013

HILLS AMATEUR RADIO GROUP Inc. History Timeline 1983 to 2012
Prepared by Richard Grocott VK6BMW January 2013

Inaugural Meeting at Kalamunda Hotel VK6SU and VK6HQ 28/01/1983

1983 move meeting place to the Kalamunda Senior High School

1987 VK6HQ established the first edition of the “Beacon” the HARG Newsletter. 30th January

1987 the Hills Amateur Radio Group stood before a Justice of the Peace for the swearing of the deeds of incorporation 3 February

1987 30 Founder memberships were established February

1987 the Club calling frequency of 145.600 MHz Simplex was adopted, later to change to 146.45 to accommodate Novices on 2 metres.10th August1987

Award from the Wireless Institute of Australia for Outstanding Service to Amateur Radio”. 8th December

1987 Kalamunda Festival a display was held in Stirk Park

1987 JOTA with Roleystone Guides and Brownies entering JOTA for the first time

1988 VI88WA – the Bicentenary callsign was activated February

1988 Approach to Kalamunda Shire for permanent premises April

1988 Kalamunda Festival on 25 February.

1989 JOTA21, 22 October

1989 move to PAXHILL Guide Hall 28 October

1989 Kalamunda Festival 28 October

1990 new club premises security update early part of the year

1990 JOTA 1990 October

1990 Kalamunda Festival 27 October

1991 John Moyle Contest on at Mt Gungin 16 March

1991 Radio Orientated Fun Car Rally (or Radioactive Rally !!) 7 April

1991 Camp Quality, where a HF station was set up for a week.

1996 Constitution amendments

1996 Challenge to authenticity of club due to lack of a President.

1997 January. Discussions with Shire re approval of mast.

1999 SK VK6APM Merv Pegler

2000 Morse Tutor/Beacon ( reported as complete in July , install date unknown )

2000 Car park bituminised

2003 2M Morse beacon installed at HARG. 26/02/2003

2006 SK Cy Potgieter VK6IK

2007 Sausage sizzle and membership drive. Very successful,  22 people signed the attendance book, many signed up as new members of HARG. AGM meeting to be held on Saturday 8 September 2007. 25 August

2008 Donation of FT1000MP MKV field by Ian VK6LCT Dec

2009 Hargfest

2009 Antenna refurb, new mast and rotator

2009 SK Geoff White VK6NX 24/10/2009

2009 Shack extension courtesy Roger VK6FRAN

2010 Club Polo shirts with a new emblem/logo

2010 HARGFEST 27/02/2011

2010 John Moyle field day at Mt Gungin 1983

2010 Shack airconditioned by kind donation from Mal VK6LC

2010 WIA Field Day at Wireless Hill October

2010 Open day to celebrate 100 years of AR in Australia

2011 April HARGFEST

2011 January SK Mick Crowley VK6IN

2011 Pickering Brook Show AR Display

2011 – 2012 Challenge to authority and conduct of Committee

2011 Stirk Park to celebrate  WIA 100 years (World Radio Day) April

2011 International Lighthouse Weekend North Mole Fremantle AU173

2012 New Rules of Association 16 March

2012 International Lighthouse weekend North Mole Fremantle AU173

2012 ARISS contact for Festival of Perth Northbridge Piazza – Perth City of Lights – 50th Anniversary of the flight of John Glenn. 20 February


Disclaimer:-The dates and events shown in this document have been taken from past Minutes of Meetings and recollections of members. Any errors or omissions are unfortunate and unintentional. It is accepted that not all events have been included due to limited availability of research time. Please contact the Club if you have additional comments or amendments.

Others to be added and/or dated: Morse Tutor install, International Lighthouse  weekends, Camp Quality, JOTA, Awards.
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